DISPLACEMENT is committed to bringing art research and practice to bear on international policymaking addressing displacement due to disasters and climate change through the Platform on Disaster Displacement. Its activities include art interventions in government meetings, regional artistic dialogues and an online art gallery.

Learn more about our contributions to PDD events or join us in a public programme.

We want to expand our network of artists and cultural institutions who are contributing to improve the response to displacement due to disasters and climate change. If you are an artist or cultural institution interested in joining DISPLACEMENT, please contact us to tell us about your work.

Your donation will help us bring artists’ work to bear on international policymaking on disaster displacement, and cultivate a global network of cultural actors.

We are partnered with:
What Has To Be Done
Norwegian Refugee Council
Platform on Disaster Displacement
University of the Arts London
University of Virginia, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy